…but we can’t have a youth rally without an inflatable obstacle course!!
Wednesday May 02nd 2007, 12:30 am
Filed under: DJ Bill's Shows,DJ Bill's Thoughts

So what is YOUR initial reaction to that statement? I am guessing it would be something like “Yes! I agree 100%!” or something more like “No way! All you need is God!” or maybe more like “What is an inflatable obstacle course?”

Whatever your reaction is this was a statement made by a member of a Diocesan Youth Council member from the Diocese of Rochester, NY who was accustomed to always having one at their junior high youth rally during the entertainment and activity time.

Now, I enjoy the inflatable stuff as much as the other guy but this rally decided to instead of place money into this type of entertainment, they would invest in something new, different and exciting! Yep. They invested in DJ Bill.

Change can be tough. Change can be difficult. However, trying something new can have AMAZING RESULTS!!

The nice thing about investing in my show was that I was able to be a part of the whole day not just the entertainment and activity time. I was able to start up the youth rally with spontaneous fun and games while people were entering the room. I even had made a rule that for the first 30 minutes no one could sit down. As people came in, they saw that everyone was standing and no one was sitting down so they stood too!  Right before the MC’s took the stage I taught everyone the Catholic Dance and challenged them to share their faith by teaching it to their friends at the schools and churches. This was happening before the day was scheduled to begin.

Later that day before the official entertainment time I had everyone play a large group game that luckily no one broke any bones and everyone had a great time!

When the official time came for entertainment, no one even missed the obstacle course and enjoyed the music and fun that was provided.

After gathering again for dinner and Mass, once again I was called on to engage the group while releasing them for dinner. Slowly releasing groups for dinner while having the rest work up a healthy appetite! :)

At the end of the day we all celebrated Mass and left on a high note praising God for his goodness and his call to “Walk His Way!”

I don’t think anyone missed the inflatable obstacle course but I promise you they all had fun!

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Hey, Bill!

Love the dance!

BTW – “Walk His Way” is a song by ApologetiX (“That Christian Parody Band”) – available at http://www.apologetix.com/store/store12.php , on the “Jesus Christ Morningstar” CD.

Had to throw that in … ;-)

Comment by Al "Cap'n Al" H. 12.30.09 @ 8:47 am

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